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Результаты для

Компост - Импорт экспорт

ЛатвияОптовая продажа


Cut pe­at is ext­rac­ted by cut­ting it me­chani­cal­ly from pre­pared pe­at fi­eld whi­le pre­ser­ving its na­tural struc­tu­re in non-split pe­at blocks. Cut pe­at is stac­ked and dri­ed in stacks by re­pe­ating the cyc­le three ti­mes un­til the hu­midi­ty do­es not ex­ce­ed 35 – 40%. Block di­men­si­ons are 18x30x50. Cut pe­at is trans­por­ted un­packed.

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Mil­led pe­at is ext­rac­ted with mil­ling met­hod by re­moving the pe­at fi­eld’s top la­yer of 11 – 20 mm in depth. In or­der to fa­cili­tate the dry­ing of pe­at the ra­ke pro­cess is do­ne. Dri­ed pe­at la­yers are col­lected in swat­hes by pro­viding a pe­at ab­sorp­ti­on in pill­bo­xes with pne­uma­tic col­lectors. Ava­ilab­le frac­ti­ons of mil­led pe­at are – fr.0-5, fr.0-10, fr.0-20mm, fr.0-40mm, fr.20-40, as well as ot­her fac­ti­ons. Mil­led pe­at is trans­por­ted in Big Ba­les on pal­lets or in bulk.

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Peat moss 0-40, Ph 3-4, packing unit 6m3 big bale

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Peat moss 0-20 fraction, Ph 3-4, packing unit 6m3 Big bale

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Результаты для

Компост - Импорт экспорт

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4 товары

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