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Time - Украина



    WISE-SERVICE IT Ukraine является разработчиком и производителем оборудования для оконного бизнеса (ПВХ окна, конструкций из алюминиевого профиля, деревообрабатывающие предприятия). Наша цель - создание эффективного производства и перевод оконных компаний на современный уровень. Путем автоматизации производственных процессов и доукомплектации существующих производственных линий снижаем зависимость и влияние человеческого фактора. Следствием, которого является: 1)сокращение издержек производства (рациональное использование производственной площади, сокращение количества рабочих, уменьшение брака на 30%, отходов до 1-1, 5%), 2)улучшения качества продукции 3)увеличение производительности в 1, 5-2 раза. Все это позволит выйти на новый уровень доходности, рентабельность бизнеса возрастает до 50%. Мы работаем в данной сфере более 15-ти лет и имеем более 350 реализованных проектов в разных странах (это Латвия и Грузия и Казахстан, Молдова, Сербия ). 80 % предприятий Украины мы обслуживаем в той или иной степени. Все продукция сертифицирована и имеет гарантию. Мы имеем собственный конструкторский отдел, который постоянно анализирует проблемы оконного производства и разрабатывает решения позволяющие устранить их. Обладаем собственными производственными площадями, которые позволяют проводить испытания образцов и оперативно производить продукцию высочайшего качества. Мы придерживаемся той мысли, что любой процесс можно усовершенствовать.



    LLC PLANT INSULATING EQUIPMENT (ZIO LLC) was founded in 1991 as a small enterprise for the production of fiberglass rods for optical cables. In the period from 1998 to 2005, the enterprise was modernized in several stages, in connection with which, the list of products was expanded. Today LLC "ZIO" is one of the largest manufacturers of fiberglass products in Ukraine. We produce fiberglass insulating rods of different diameters, fiberglass pipes, channel bars, slot wedges for electric motors. A wide range of ladders and ladders, scaffolding made of fiberglass. Experienced and highly qualified engineers, technologists and designers work here. They developed dielectric transformer ladders, retractable and universal ladders. LLC "ZIO" is a family company. for many years she worked on creating a successful team of managers who are distinguished by their cohesion, ability to work and love for clients. All products manufactured by the Plant comply with GOSTs and TU U, and are made from first-class materials on high-quality Austrian equipment. LLC "ZIO" won the trust of not only large state and commercial enterprises of Ukraine, but also Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova . We try for our customers, who become not just customers for us, but friends for many years. Insulation Equipment Plant LLC is a guaranteed quality, time-tested. English is available on the site.



    Изготовление и профессиональный монтаж металлоконструкций любой сложности. Монтаж резервуаров наливных грузов (соевое, подсолнечное, рапсовое, пальмовое масло, патока и др. ) до 10000 м. куб. Монтаж системы отопления резервуаров паром. Монтаж технологического оборудования с обвязкой трубопроводами. Монтаж трубопроводов. Изготовление и монтаж быстро монтируемых зданий и сооружений. Быстро монтируемые здания - это современные каркасные конструкции, отличающиеся оптимальным соотношением качества, сроков монтажа и цены. Монтаж профнастила и сэндвич панелей. Выверка крановых путей и монорельсов. Изготовление и монтаж складов арочного типа для накопления и хранения зерна, сыпучих грузов. Изготовление и монтаж логистических складов. Изготовление и монтаж бункеров для зерна и сыпучих грузов. Монтаж разработанных и запатентованных украинскими разработчиками магнитно-импульсных установок предназначенных для бесконтактного: - сводообрушения, устранения и предотвращения зависаний сыпучих материалов в бункерах; - очистки стенок металлических бункеров, силосов, различных перегрузочных устройств и других поверхностей от зависших, налипших, примерзших сыпучих материалов: руды, шихты, концентрата, известняка, угля, кокса, формовочных смесей, цемента, комбикормов, муки, сухого молока прочих мелкодисперсных веществ, других сыпучих материалов; - встряхивания рукавов рукавных фильтров и электродов электрофильтров с целью регенерации фильтров... Проектирование и монтаж солнечных электростанций



    Вас приветствует ООО "ЮВТКОМ"! Наша миссия - предложить потребителю продукт высокого качества, по доступным ценам и предоставить наивысший уровень сервиса. Основным видом деятельности нашей компании является производство и продажа качественного, экологически чистого древесного угля Premium-class из твердых пород древесины - Дуба, Ясени и Граба, изготовленный только из высококачественных и возобновляемых ресурсов. Специальные запатентованные технологии производства позволяют прокаливать древесный уголь при температурах 1100-1200°С, что является наиболее подходящей технологией для большинства областей потребления угля. Наши основные клиенты - Рестораны, Гриль-бары, Ярмарки, Розничные сети, а также промышленные компании. Угольная продукция, отгружаемая ЮВТКОМ, соответствует установленным требованиям международного стандарта, что позволяет использовать ее для приготовления блюд на гриле. Отгрузка оптом (от 15 тонн) осуществляется автомобильными нормами напрямую с производства нашей компании, расположенного в городе Шостка, в экологически чистом лесном массиве, Сумской области. Наша компания имеет действующие контракты с логистическими компаниями, что дает возможность оптимизировать логистику по поставкам продукции как автомобильным, так и морским транспортом. Сотрудничая с "ЮВТКОМ", Вы гарантированно получаете качественный древесный уголь, по оптимальной цене и надежного партнера в лице нашей компании.



    Distributor of equipment for solar energy. Central office - Ukraine. We supply equipment from such global brands and trusted manufacturers as: Solar panels: Trina solar Jinko solar Risen solar Leapton solar Inverters for solar energy: Huawei Solis We have established our own production of galvanized steel structures. We develop and design solutions of any complexity. Own staff of professional engineers and designers with extensive experience. We supply equipment to such countries: Poland, Romania, Moldova, the Baltic countries, Georgia, Kazakhstan. We are constantly expanding our dealer network. We provide all partners and dealers with service and warranty support, advice and assistance from experienced engineers, we help in matters of international logistics. We constantly maintain a range of equipment in stock. We regularly update stocks to keep the equipment up to date due to the active development of technologies in solar energy. Our Goal is the most advanced equipment with the best service for every customer.

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    Здравствуйте! У меня есть своя большая улиточная ферма в Украине. Производственная мощность в год составляет: Helix Aspers Muller - 300 тонн и более. Helix Aspersa Maxima - 100 тонн и более. Наша компания аккредитована в Европе и зарегистрирована в SANCO и базе данных TRACES. У меня есть возможность экспортировать свежих и замороженных улиток в Европу. Я могу регулярно экспортировать улиток в течение всего года. С уважением Валерий!



    Наша компания имеет три направления деятельности. 1. Дистрибьютор грузовой техники и спецтехники. 2. Производство надстроек для транспорта 3. Производство прицепной техники



    Предприятие HYDROSILA, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Насосы шестеренчатые. Его также можно найти в секторах дроссельные вентили. Его местоположение Kropyvnytskyi, Украина.



    Предприятие LTD PALMET, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Мебель бытовая. Его также можно найти в секторах аксессуары для мебели. Его местоположение Lviv, Украина.



    Предприятие MADEHEART.COM, - это Оптовая продажа, и работающее в секторе Фарфор декоративный. Его также можно найти в секторах изделия из художественной керамики, подарочные и сувенирные картины, аксессуары, и интерьерная меблировка из дерева. Его местоположение Kiev, Украина.



    Предприятие WOOD WOOL LLC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Древесный уголь. Его местоположение Khmelnitsky, Украина.



    Предприятие ASTONI, - это Оптовая продажа, и работающее в секторе Одежда мужская готовая. Его также можно найти в секторах Мужская одежда больших размеров, и Мужская одежда больших размеров. Его местоположение Kharkiv, Украина.



    Предприятие TAXI SUMY, - это Провайдер услуг, и работающее в секторе Таксомоторные компании. Его также можно найти в секторах Авиатакси - обслуживание пассажиров, Переводы в области бизнеса, обслуживание пассажиров в аэропортах, прокат лимузинов, Авиатакси - обслуживание пассажиров, и Переводы в области бизнеса. Его местоположение Sumy, Украина.



    Предприятие SOLVENT SOLUTIONS, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Растворители и разбавители. Его местоположение Kiev, Украина.



    Предприятие KOVANI, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Оборудование для копчения мясных и колбасных изделий. Его также можно найти в секторах копчение. Его местоположение Zaporozhye, Украина.



    Предприятие MONOMAKH, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Кофе, чай. Его также можно найти в секторах настои и отвары, и кофе в зёрнах. Его местоположение V. Dymerka, Украина.



    ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» створено на базі Херсонського хлібокомбінату державного виробничо-торговельного підприємства «Херсонхліб» у 1997 році. У свій час «Херсонхліб» об'єднувало три виробничі цехи у м.Херсоні, засновані почергово, починаючи з 1953 року. Отже, виробництво хлібобулочних та кондитерських виробів здійснюється на потужностях ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» вже більше шести десятиліть. Протягом останніх років компанія впроваджує найкращі технології хлібопечення, які дозволяють поліпшити якість продукції та розширити асортимент. На сьогодні ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» складає групу компаній, що займаються виробництвом хлібобулочних, кондитерських та борошномельних продуктів. PJSC "Kherson Khlibokombinat" was founded on the basis of Kherson bread-baking complex of State Manufacturing and Trading Company "Kherson Khlib" in 1997. At one time "Kherson Khlib" united three production departments in the city of Kherson, that have been founded alternately since 1953. Consequently, the production of bakery and confectionery products is carried out at the facilities of PJSC "Kherson Khlibokombinat" for more than six decades. Over the past few years, the company has been introducing the best bakery technologies that improve product quality and product range. Today PJSC “Kherson Khlibokombinat” is a group of companies engaged in the production of bakery, confectionery and flour products.



    Since 2009, our company is one of the largest manufacturers of lifting equipment in the Ukrainian market. We develop, produce, install, modernize and maintain lifting equipment. Our design office continuously develops and introduces new and perfect solutions for production for 14 years, which allows satisfying any customer’s wishes. All equipment is provided with a responsible guarantee, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. The production complex located in the city of Dnepr is equipped with modern equipment and machines (including unique own developments that have no analogues). High performance and a team of professionals Allow to produce high quality equipment and within the agreed time. Design Bureau and technical experts of our companies are ready to design and implement the order of any scale and complexity – from the typical to the unique exclusive solution.

  7. K-TEP PE


    Ukrainian company "K-TEP" - Manufacture of pumps, pumping equipment; food industry equipment; pharmaceutical equipment; valves of a wide range of sizes The main features of the offered equipment are: durability, reliability in operation, combined at the same time with simplicity, ease of maintenance due to the high quality of both units and individual parts. Regardless of what kind of equipment you need for which industry, we will find solutions that will contribute to improving the efficiency of technological processes. We cooperate with both individual buyers and enterprises. We will create attractive conditions for the purchase of this equipment, help to solve issues at the design stage, related to the selection, installation of equipment, maintenance.



    ALC "Plant of Automatic Dosing Systems" or "DOZAVTOMATY" is a leading contract manufacturing company from 1939 in Ukraine specializing in metal stamping, cutting, welding, metal milling ect. You are able to talk to one of our expert engineers who understand all your needs and concerns. This allows you to be assured that you will receive the precise product you need for your application We produce wide assortment of products that are made accordingly to individual orders. In convenience of the clients we provide complete package of services: production, general arrangement, complementing, logistics.We accept all orders both large and small and our lead times are some of the quickest in the industry. We take extreme pride in our service & quality. It’s time to get advantages on the global market! We are offering next outsourcing services: - Metal machining; - Plasma metal cutting; - Guillinate cutting; - Bending metal parts; - Rolling parts; - Rolling of a corner, channels; - Metal machining on universal lathes of medium complexity; - Presswork based on customer designed shapes; - Welding work on different welding machines and the manufacture of metal constructions; - Spot welding of parts and assemblies; - Sandblasting of small and large-sized products and structures; - Painting products (included powder painting); and more.



    The company has a long history, dating back to 2007, as one of the first manufacturers of PVC constructions in Ukraine. The company has undergone several stages of development to evolve into a brand and offer Ukrainian consumers high-quality products manufactured at the RENOPLAST factory. It is a full-cycle production facility with its own equipment: - a workshop to produce aluminium constructions - a production line for double-glazed units and glass processing  - a production line for PVC constructions  - a lamination line, equipment for arch bending - automotive transportation department Our enterprise has invested heavily in the organization of high-tech workshops and has implemented a well-established quality control system. We use only the best PVC and aluminium profiles, such as SALAMANDER, WDS, ALUPROF, KMD, along with high-quality and time-tested components from foreign manufacturers. All these components provide Renoplast constructions with the necessary standards for thermal and sound insulation, moisture resistance, and energy efficiency according to the State Standards of Ukraine.



    Comserv Ukraine is the largest polymer bag manufacturer in Ukraine. Our company has been operating in the plastic market since 2000. During this time, we have established constant cooperation with companies in various fields of activity throughout Ukraine. Our regular customers are companies involved in the final implementation, such as «МЕТRО», «Roshen», «Fozzy-group», «Novus», «Varus», greenhouses, wholesale firms, and many others. Now Comserv Ukraine has developed the production capacity of up to 1, 500 tons of products per month, with more than 180 employees. In 2012, we passed certification according to ISO 9001: 2009 standard certificate No. UA2.003.07401 -12. We suggest an individual approach to our new partners in compliance with the agreements reached, the exact delivery terms, guaranteed quality products taking into account all the required parameters. We practice the international supplement on the terms of DAP Incoterms 2010. The common range of our products includes the following types: t-shirt bags and packing in rolls or blocks/packs, garbage bags, bags with a slotted handle, custom-made t-shirt bags with branded logo, serial bags, bags for refrigerators, bags with organic additives, as well as manufacturing products to individual requirements. Catalog: drive.google.com/file/d/1L8c56dvtG_UPdOcEGAiC6pXiD6PjveFi/view? usp=sharing Video: https: //cloud.mail.ru/public/jSqQ/kVrD2Lpp9



    ULM Ltd is a manufacturing company. We produce ceiling lamps of various types. Our Ukrainian factory was founded in 2020 and consists of professionals with experience in this market for about 8 years. We used to have big experience of import luminaries to Ukraine before. But now we manufacture products under our brand ULM and provide OEM/ODM and assembly services for some importers and distributors. Our R&D department develop, improve and update spare parts for our luminaries (Led chips, PCBs, drivers, etc.) that meet the standards of the European Union and Ukraine. Electric and led components for lamps are made in China. Production of housings, final assembly and testing are carried out in Ukraine. Production facilities of our company were moved from Kharkov city to Khmelnitsky because of war. The factory area is 5000 square meters. Productive capacity is 300 thousand of lights per month. Our main products: indoor ceiling/wall luminaires, SMART indoor ceiling luminaires. All products have CE and ROHS Certificates. Leading time for orders is up to 1 month. If you order from China, you’ll receive goods in 3-4 months. You can order from 10 pcs. per model from us MOQ In China is 500pcs.



    Our company is a Ukrainian manufacturer of paper lids for disposable cups. We manufacture a wide range of paper lid sizes to fit all of the most popular disposable cup sizes. Today we are pleased to offer you paper caps of the following sizes: 69mm, 75mm, 79mm, 80mm, 90mm, 91mm. Paper lids EСOTON is a line of paper lids that are ideal for preserving the aroma, warmth or cold of the product. At the same time, they do not harm the environment, since they can be recycled into paper. The products comply with all regulations regarding food contact. EСOTON paper cap is perfect for cold and hot drinks, food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals or soups, and can also be used for containers with desserts, fruits, ice cream. The lid is suitable for heating in the microwave.

  5. DANA


    Equipment for packaging goods in stretch film for small and medium-sized businesses If you are faced with the packaging of goods in stretch film, then you probably know firsthand and understand how much this process takes a lot of time and effort. And the lack of suitable devices at an acceptable cost on the Ukrainian market creates additional problems. We personally, just like you, face this problem every day - and therefore we decided to help ourselves and many entrepreneurs to facilitate the packaging process. In practice, we personally check the packaging devices and constantly improve them according to your needs. On our website you can find models for different areas and sizes of business: from the simplest wall-mounted and table-top stretch film holders to mechanical palletizers with minimal or advanced equipment. All equipment comes with a 6 to 12 month warranty. Each fixture is tested before shipping to you



    ООО "МЕТЭКСПОРТ ГРУП" - специализированное металлургическое предприятие со специализацией на производстве продукции литейным путем из чугуна, ферросплавов, стали и легких цветных металлов. Компания образована в 2015 году. Имеем собственные производственные цеха площадью 20000 кв.м. Современное металлургические оборудованные, формовочные участки, цех по подготовке и изготовлению модельной оснастки, штат специалистов с наивысшим уровнем подготовки. На предприятии сертифицирована вся выпускаемая нами продукция, в том числе и модельная оснастка. Введена система качества ISO 9001. Сертифицирована своя измерительная (металлургическая) лаборатория. Mission: Setting high standards in the steel industry and representing Ukraine on the world market! Called to the great - to unite people, production, countries, continents! Our potential stakes: Our potential stakes are castings up to 2 thousand kilograms of any steel grade (including stainless steel), cast iron of any complexity in the shortest possible time. MetExport is a team of hot-hearted professionals - focused on quality results!



    Printing house Press Corporation Limited invites you to a partnership! We are a production complex established in 2002. In 2008, a new workshop was built and installed: a new printing machine "CityLine Express 35" with the possibility of simultaneous printing of 24 full-color columns and from 3 different roles (roll width), a Zirkon Forta 660 roll machine with the possibility of sheet printing, a Muller Martini printing press and the Agfa Advantage CRT for plate removal. Cooperation with us is: ● 24/7 telephone support by a personal manager and deputy director ● printing specialists with German printing education ● for the true constant quality of your newspaper - our own printing complex ● round-the-clock verification of the correctness of the submitted layout + photo quality improvement (sharpness, depth) ● We print 99.8% of orders on time ● post-printing services – insertion of advertising products, stapling, cutting, cover, packaging ● consistently low price due to profitability of only 5% ● we are a well-known reliable partner - we print 190 tons of newspapers every month - that's more than 100 titles of newspapers every week



    Elgraf Ltd. is one of the largest manufacturers of packaging in corrugated cardboard and cardboard in Western Ukraine. The main advantage of our company is its own production of materials and the use of the latest printing technology - a preprint, which allows you to print large print runs of high quality in a short time. This combination allows us to produce a wide range of printing products: packaging of cardboard, laminated micro corrugated cardboard and corrugated cardboard, group and souvenir packaging, wide-format advertising and presentation products (stands, show-boxes, etc.). The technological process of manufacturing our packaging is carried out in a complete closed cycle: from the design of the future product to its packaging and shipment. The printing is carried out using modern shaped materials from the Italian company Latra and paints imported from Sicpa. The material for packaging (cardboard and paper of different kinds) comes directly from the producing factories: Poland, Slovenia, Germany, Austria and Hungary. Domestic raw materials are also used."Elgraf" is the only printing house in Western Ukraine that has its own equipment for making corrugated cardboard and micro corrugated cardboard, which is used to make reliable packaging with high quality printing. One of the activities of the "Elgraf" is the production of high-quality staple forms for die-cutting from various materials: cardboard, micro and corrugated cardboard, paper



    Since 1992, CARSHE company has been designing and building exclusive exhibition stands in Ukraine, Europe and around the world. CARSHE’s professional team ensures high quality and creative design of their work. We clearly understand that the exhibition stand built by us will become the personification of your company in the eyes of visitors and participants of the event. That’s why we make every effort, and our exhibition stands are regularly received with awards for the best design. The CARSHE company was the first in Ukraine to build two-story exhibition stands from Octanorm structures for the companies Ukrtelecom, Panasonic, Bosch, and for the first time in the world - three-story exhibition stands for Knauf, Siemens, LG, and Kyivstar. You can see it in our portfolio https: //carshe.com/en/portfolio/ If you need to order a stand for an exhibition, we will become your reliable partner!



    Wooden Pallets for Domestic and International Use Trading Company GEFEST company operates since 2012 and has been a leading expert in the field of wooden package since then. Since september 2018, Trading Company GEFEST is one of the certified EPAL pallet manufacturers. Trading Company GEFEST is an EPAL pallets manufacturer №1 in ecological zone of Zhytomyr region. At the present time the company Trading Company GEFEST is the high-growth company in the market of sales of pallets and successfully exports the production to many countries of the world. Our commercial approach is one of the advantages, which we apply in daily work: our councils go in step with production aspects of our clients and we build our activity round needs of business of our customers. Trading Company GEFEST manufactures and sells new pallets of any type or design. Boards are made out of edged lumber in compliance with all technologies of production and storage. A stable raw material base allows us to handle orders of any volumes both quickly and efficiently. Trading Company GEFEST perfected all of the processes to the last detail: we will take the order promptly and process all of the documentation in no time. You can collect your order at our warehouse or, alternatively, we can ship pallets and components to anywhere in Europe. Our company is located in ecological zone of Zhytomyr region and so we can use only natural raw materials for all of our products

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