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    The Private Agroindustrial Enterprise “Agroprodservice” became one of Top-3 agricultural companies in Western Ukraine in 24 years of its existence. The total area of fertile land cultivated by Agroprodservice is about 45, 000 hectares. We grow corn, winter wheat and barley, sunflower, soy, spring barley and wheat, rapeseed, peas and sugar beet. The experience of companies with European and world names is widely implemented, which contributes to the effective growth of yield and quality of grain of cereals and legumes, as well as of sugar beet root crops. The Private Agroindustrial Enterprise “Agroprodservice” company realizes the importance of preservation of the environment, that’s why one of the main company principles is “do not harm”. The company takes care of the environment and supports ecological programs staying devoted to our mission.



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    Предприятие SCHEDRO LLC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Маргарин. Его также можно найти в секторах Масла и жиры пищевые, Конфеты нешоколадные, Жиры пищевые, Масла растительные, подсолнечное масло, кетчуп, майонез, Рафинированное подсолнечное масло, и Томатный соус. Его местоположение Dnipro, Украина.



    Производство промышленных печей и агрегатов для термообработки различных изделий и материалов. Разнообразие конструкций и назначение оборудования: - лабораторные печи камерные, трубчатые - сушильные печи и шкафы - вакуумные печи - плавильные печи - муфельные печи камерные, шахтные, с выкатным подом, элеваторные, проходные - печи с защитной атмосферой камерные, шахтные, колпаковые - печи для химмико-термической обработки, цементации, азотирования, нитроцементации, карбонитрации - камеры для нанесения и полимеризации порошковых красок ООО «Бортек» создано в 1994 году. Были выбраны два направления деятельности: разработка и выпуск электротермического оборудования и оборудования для обеззараживание воды гипохлоритом натрия и обезжелезивание воды.



    Компания "Eco-basket" предлагает разные виды упаковки и тары из экологически чистого букового шпона. Изделия изготавливаются на самом современном оборудовании из отечественного сырья. Преимущества упаковки из букового шпона: изготавливается из натурально сырья хорошо держит форму, продукты не мнутся пропускает воздух, продукты долго не портятся впитывает влагу, продукты не загнивают дерево бактерицидно, в сухой таре не появляется плесень легкий вес, удобно транспортировать возможно многоразовое использование простая утилизация Виды тары и упаковок Компания "Eco-basket" предлагает широкий ассортимент упаковки и тары из букового шпона. В интернет-магазине можно приобрести: лукошки с ручками и без корзинки с ручками и без лотки разных форм и размеров круглые коробки с крышкой и без упаковки для яиц формы для выпечки, хранения, приготовления, презентации пищевых продуктов эксклюзивные емкости (для тортов, хранения вина, оформления подарков) рамки для сотового меда палочки для перемешивания горячих напитков Изделия изготавливаются в разных размерах. Для скрепления деталей используются металлические скобы или натуральные нити. Некоторые емкости имеют внутренние перегородки для удобного хранения. Формы изделий из букового шпона самые разнообразные: квадратные круглые прямоугольные многоугольные На сайте можно заказать и купить натуральный древесный наполнитель (стружку). Отпускается эта позиция по весу.

  5. PEIKO


    Peiko is a company that develops the most demanding and technically complex web projects, improving the quality of products for all major IT markets in the world. We have been helping companies and startups develop and scale with high-tech solutions for 6+ years. During our work we have closed more than 189 successful projects in Fintech, Blockchain, E-commerce, Healthcare and other industries. And we continue to grow and support clients in 15 countries of the world. Our team of 67 professionals is now ready to develop a customized solution for your business and help you get closer to success. Contact us at hello@peiko.space to discuss your project

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    Компания “Granum” долгие годы успешно работает на рынке природного камня. Наша страна имеет крупные гранитные месторождения. Больше всего гранит добывают в житомирской области. Компания имеет собственное камнеобрабатывающее производство, благодаря которому мы изготавливаем гранитные изделия: плиты, брусчатка, бордюры, ступени, балясины, фонтаны и другие архитектурные изделия. В процессе производства компания “Granum” использует передовые технологии и оборудование, что обеспечивает нашим клиентам высокое качество продукции. Виды добычи гранита: буровзрывной; буроклиновый; с помощью камнерезных машин. ВИДЫ ОБРАБОТКИ ГРАНИТА: Полированная – с зеркальным блеском, четким отражением предметов, без следов прошедшей обработки Гладкая матовая – без следов обработки предыдущей операции и с полным выявлением рисунка камня) Шлифованная – со следами обработки, получаемыми только при шлифовании, с неровностями рельефа высотой до 0, 5 мм; Пиленая – с неровностями рельефа высотой до 2 мм; Обработанная ультразвуком – с выявленным цветом и рисунком камня; Термообработанная – шероховатая поверхность со следами шелушения Точечная – равномерно шероховатая с неровностями рельефа высотой до 5 мм. Колотая (скала) – имитирует природный раскол камня с впадинами и бурами без следов обработки с высотой рельефа 50-200 мм.

  2. AGROTRAID-2000


    Our company CREATES A QUALITY PRODUCT. AGROTRADE-2000 is a successful company competing with other players in the market of edible oils and fats, agro-food industry, and agriculture. We position ourselves as a successful company in the field - import-export of vegetable oil, import-export of agro-food products, feed for livestock and poultry, biofuels, grain for livestock and poultry. Sunflower oil is the main commodity with a production capacity of 100 metric tons per day. The modernity of high-tech and environmentally friendly production allows us to constantly occupy a leading position in the market of oils and fats for food, agro-food industry, and agriculture. Our company offers for sale sunflower oil, unrefined, unfrozen, 1st grade. There is also corn, high-protein granulated sunflower meal, sunflower husks, soybean oil. Location in the city of Bila Tserkva, in close proximity to the Kyiv-Odessa highway, provides an advantageous logistical transport interchange, supplemented by railway lines with the ability to send up to 20 wagons per day. It is also possible to sell sunflower oil in Halmeu. Implementation and continuous improvement of the safety management system for oils and fats of food, vegetable oil and other products of the agro-food industry that meets the requirements of international and national standards ISO 22000 (DSTU ISO 22000), GMP +, ISCC, guarantees the production of safe products of consistently high quality.



    «ГидроБак» ― лидер по производству гибкой тары в Украине. Изготовляем резервуары емкостью от 50 до 1 000 000 л. Более 150 наименований продукции: каркасные бассейны, гибкие резервуары, мягкие газгольдеры, емкости для хранения ГСМ. Гарантия качества на все товары ― от 12 месяцев Особенности нашей продукции 1 Удобная транспортировка Изделия имеют компактные размеры и небольшой вес 2 Простота эксплуатации Не требует особых подготовительных работ 3 Практичность Материалы устойчивы к механическим повреждениям 4 Долгий срок службы Может использоваться на протяжении 10 лет и более 5 Доступная цена Дешевле, чем традиционные емкости для хранения 6 Качество Все изделия успешно прошли все пробные испытания. Работает система контроля качеста ИСО 9001 Почему стоит заказывать гибкие резервуары у нас: ✔Мы являемся производителями, поэтому можем предложить своим клиентам самые низкие розничные и оптовые цены ✔Вся наша продукция выполнена из европейских высокопрочных и эластичных материалов, качество которых подтверждают сертификаты соответствия ✔При необходимости мы можем изготовить изделия нестандартных размеров и конфигураций (под конкретные задачи) ✔Предоставляем своим клиентам информационную и техническую поддержку, принимаем заявки со всех регионов Мы заинтересованы в долгосрочном и плодотворном сотрудничестве! Для нас нет невыполнимых задач! Любой вопрос будет решен в кратчайшие сроки с максимальной выгодой для клиента! https: //www.facebook.com/GidroBak/? fref=ts



    Наше предприятие занимается изготовлением деталей на заказ. В производстве деталей применяются современные композитные материалы - полиэтилен СВМПЭ РЕ 1000, полиамид РА 6, РОМ и др. пластики с характеристиками превышающими по износостойкости и ряду др. критериев традиционные металлы и сплавы. А также производим порезку дерева, фанеры, мдф, акрил, оргстекло. Компания выполняет работы по точной механической обработки любой степени сложности на современных станках ЧПУ. Рабочее поле станков позволяет обрабатывать заготовки 1250*2500 мм и высотой 250 мм. а также есть возможность формовки детали (геометрии, изгибы). От Вас нужен чертеж, эскиз или деталь которую необходимо повторить. Сроки изготовления от 2-х до 10-ти рабочих дней.



    Инженерные пластики для индустриальных нужд. Изделия для сельского хозяйства и сельскохозяйственной техники. Гарантировано высокое качество, максимально широкий ассортимент. Низкий коэффициент трения позволяет использовать его в условиях постоянного трения и контакта. Отличные свойства химической инертности позволяют использовать этот материал в условиях агрессивных сред. Допускается применение материала в пищевой промышленности. Позволяет забыть о налипание на поверхность любых материалов любой влажности и консистенции. Имеет выдающиеся свойства по износостойкости, которые могут в некоторых приложениях соревноваться со сталью (в 4-5 раз).



    Основные направления компании Мост сервис: изготовление наружной рекламы (билборды, ситилайты, штендеры, вывески), сувенирная продукция, печать, услуги по разработке дизайна (для наружной рекламы, витрин, брендмауэров и т.д). Рекламное агентство Мост-сервис — это коллектив творческих людей, которые создают креативные решения для вашего бизнеса. Дизайн наружной рекламы для вашей компании в г. Черкассы, а также наша компания занимается изготовлением наружной рекламы (билбордов, штендеров, вывесок и ситилайтов), сувенирной и полиграфической продукции.

  2. MOST-S


    Компания МОСТ-С поставляет оборудование доя переработки металлолома в Украину и официальным эксклюзивным представителем компании KYUNGWON (республика Корея) - производителя компрессорного оборудования торговой марки COAIRE compressor в Украине.Продажа промышленных воздушных компрессоров: безмасляных спиральных, винтовых является важным направлением нашей деятельности, однако кроме того мы реализуем гидравлические пакетировочные прессы для металлолома и аллигаторные гидравлические ножницы для холодной резки металла а также брикетировочные прессы и пресс-ножницы.



    Предприятие PKP PROTEK LLC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Промышленная обработка листового проката. Его также можно найти в секторах обогревательные котлы, котлы для автономных установок обогрева домов, и автоматические пеллетные котлы. Его местоположение Kharkov, Украина.



    Предприятие XME.DIGITAL SOLUTIONS SHOP, - это Провайдер услуг, и работающее в секторе ПО для управления предприятиями. Его местоположение Kyiv, Украина.



    Предприятие JUVENTA LLC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Ванные комнаты - мебель и аксессуары. Его местоположение Slavuta, Украина.



    Предприятие NAVIN DESIGN RADIATORS, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Принадлежности для ванных комнат. Его также можно найти в секторах Ванные комнаты - мебель и аксессуары, Ванные комнаты - мебель и аксессуары, подогреватели полотенец, и терморезисторы. Его местоположение Bila Tserkva, Украина.



    Предприятие PROMKANAT LTD, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Проволока и кабели стальные. Его также можно найти в секторах балансировка. Его местоположение Kriviy Rih, Украина.



    The history of the Private Commercial Production Enterprise "PROMSYSTEMS", inextricably linked with the glass plant the city of Kostopil and it has been going on since the beginning of the 20th century. In 1962 the plant is subordinate to the Lviv Economic Council, the chief of the electronics industry. It was then that the construction of workshop No. 2 with two glass furnaces began, which produced glass insulators and flasks for electric lamps. 1972 in workshop No. 3 mechanical processing of glass and glass ceramics was mastered. With the development of high-tech sectors of the economy, a need arose for new types of products and a workshop No. 4 was built for the production of glass substrates for integrated circuits. For this purpose, a workshop for the production of glass composite materials was purchased in the USA. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and changes in the defense strategy of independent Ukraine, the reduction and shutdown of most industries began. In 2003, a group of people, the former employees of the glass plant, it was decided to maintain production facilities and creation on their basis of an industrial enterprise "PROMSYSTEMS", under the production of the future: preform, glass powder, solder and sealing glass, frits, which use numerous plants in the production of: radio-electronic industry, semiconductor devices, chemical current sources, electrical connectors, sealed glands, devices: nuclear energy, aircraft construction, mechanical engineering.



    Private enterprise "Einhorn" is a manufacturer of the decorative stone with a good reputation and many years of experience in supplying qualitative materials.Throughout the history of development, we have always paid special attention to the quality of our products, both the technical side and the aesthetic. The product range of more than 300 items. There are models that repeat the texture of wild and weathered stone, slate rocks and processed stones. Collections of brick textures are suitable for any design, whether it is an interior with hand-molded bricks or old brickwork on the facade. There are mosaic textures with which you can embody any fantasies.In company employs more than 40 people. Most of the employees, once having joined the team of our company, still work with us. We always pay great attention and respect to each other and to our business partners and believe that this is an integral part of work and stable development. The stone is made using the technology of “vibrocasting”. For the production of decorative stone, white high-quality cement (M-525, D0), coarse sand, lightweight filler, iron oxide pigments are used. Products of TM Einhorn are made of lightweight concrete, painted in its entire mass. Our products, according to tests, have indicators of F-200 cycles in frost resistance and M 250 in strength, which guarantees the durability of the material.



    The company AR-Tech LTD (LLC "AR-Tech"), Ukraine offers the supply of high-tech equipment for the food industry to the territory of Ukraine and other CIS countries: - lines for the production of pasta, new and used, automatic and semi-automatic; - complex lines for processing, freezing, preserving vegetables, fruits, fruits and berries (fruit washers, stone-beating machines, calibrators, sorters, etc.); - lines for the production of directly squeezed juices; Also we are a manufacturer of fruit processing equipment, pitting machine for cherries, pulping machine and more.. Import countries - Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary and others. If you are planning to start production or are the owner of an existing production of semi-finished products, pasta, vegetable and fruit processing production, we recommend that you contact us when looking for reliable, high-quality equipment that meets the latest technology and safety. We also offer our customers supplies of Durum durum wheat flour, which are produced at a European plant that meets the most modern requirements. You can get more detailed information by contacting us. Best regards, AR-Tech.



    Our company is a Ukrainian manufacturer of paper lids for disposable cups. We manufacture a wide range of paper lid sizes to fit all of the most popular disposable cup sizes. Today we are pleased to offer you paper caps of the following sizes: 69mm, 75mm, 79mm, 80mm, 90mm, 91mm. Paper lids EСOTON is a line of paper lids that are ideal for preserving the aroma, warmth or cold of the product. At the same time, they do not harm the environment, since they can be recycled into paper. The products comply with all regulations regarding food contact. EСOTON paper cap is perfect for cold and hot drinks, food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals or soups, and can also be used for containers with desserts, fruits, ice cream. The lid is suitable for heating in the microwave.



    The Wisent Machinery is a leading Ukrainian manufacturer of equipment for the production of charcoal and chopped firewood. In 2019, one of the leading Ukrainian manufacturers and exporters of charcoal, the Wisent company, together with a team of highly qualified engineers led by Borys Shipuk, known for his successful previous projects of carbonization furnaces and packing lines, started the history of the Wisent Machinery trademark. When creating a new company, we had a great desire to develop equipment that would not only facilitate work and increase its efficiency, but would also be easy to operate, ecological and safe for people and the environment. Taking into account our extensive experience in the production of charcoal, we managed to create truly innovative equipment and, most importantly, offer our customers complex solutions for the design and creation of new enterprises from scratch or the modernization of existing ones to modern standards of charcoal production. All our equipment is developed by our team of engineers and is the result of many years of experience, knowledge and tests at our own and partner production sites. For the production of our equipment we use the highest quality components from proven suppliers. We pay a lot of attention to digitization, automation and computer control of processes in our machines.



    We are a «GALA FOODS» company. We sell buckwheat, corn, pearl barley, semolina, split peas, millets, ets. For more than six years we keep leading positions in the production in Ukraine of groats. Having our own raw material base (Ukraine, Pakistan, Italy, Thailand, the USA, Morocco, Peru) we offer trademarks of crops that are the profitable solutions for distribution and trade for importers. Our ТМs are: «ART FOODS» offers a new set of incredible and exceptional flavors from the most distant corners of the world. While cooking in your kitchen, you can travel around the world by experiencing amazing tastes and creating real culinary masterpieces. Immerse yourself in a gastronomic journey with a wide range of "ART FOODS” cereals and crops from both classic national cuisine and different continents with exotic foods. «Pere» is a carefully selected assortment of the most wholesome cereals, absolute quality, and packaging design are what distinguishes us on the market among the products of the elite segment. These are premium segment packages of high-quality selected cereals collected from different parts of the world: quinoa and lentils, black and red rice, bulgur and couscous, chickpeas and mung beans, white buckwheat, a mixture of wild and unpolished rice, jasmine and camolino, and also the «king above all rice sorts» - basmati.



    LLC Forest Hub is one of the largest wild berry and mushroom harvesters and suppliers in the Ukrainian market with a history of over 15 years. Harvesting network spanning Volyn, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi, and Chernihiv regions.  Contract supply to Ukraine's top 3 FSSC 22000-certified food processors. Maximum in-house processing capacity of 60 tonnes per day.  Maximum refrigerated storage capacity of 5, 000 tonnes.  We supply berries and mushrooms to most European countries, as well as Israel, Turkey, Asia, and the Middle East.  All year round, we cover 70% of the Ukrainian HoReCa market's demand for berries and mushrooms and fulfil long-term supply contracts with Ukrainian food processors



    Distributor of equipment for solar energy. Central office - Ukraine. We supply equipment from such global brands and trusted manufacturers as: Solar panels: Trina solar Jinko solar Risen solar Leapton solar Inverters for solar energy: Huawei Solis We have established our own production of galvanized steel structures. We develop and design solutions of any complexity. Own staff of professional engineers and designers with extensive experience. We supply equipment to such countries: Poland, Romania, Moldova, the Baltic countries, Georgia, Kazakhstan. We are constantly expanding our dealer network. We provide all partners and dealers with service and warranty support, advice and assistance from experienced engineers, we help in matters of international logistics. We constantly maintain a range of equipment in stock. We regularly update stocks to keep the equipment up to date due to the active development of technologies in solar energy. Our Goal is the most advanced equipment with the best service for every customer.



    Vincent Devois’ assortment includes products for both men, women, children, and the home. They offer a line for children that includes bathrobes and pajamas, as well as home textiles including carpets and tablecloths.Bath towels are made in all of the popular sizes: 50х90, 70х140, 90х150, and 30х50 cm. Only 100% cotton is used to produce these terrycloth towels. All towels are very soft and pleasing to touch; they suit all types of skin, including the most sensitive.Bathrobes for men, women, and children are made of 100% cotton. The size chart embraces all sizes, so Vincent Devois’ styles are suitable for people of larger and non-standard bodies. The brand offers sizes for children as well, including toddlers and babies. Robes by Vincent Devois feature an elegant cut, are made from thick terry cloth, and can be monogrammed.Pajamas come in two sizes: Euro and double. Only natural fabrics are used to manufacture them: satin, silk, percale, and jacquard.Pajamas for men, women, and children are made of 100% cotton. The size chart is the same as for robes—embracing all sizes. Pajamas by Vincent Devois are perfect to create a unified family style, and they come in a variety of colors.Carpets by Vincent Devois are of classic and modern designs and will decorate many rooms of every house. They are made of silk and viscose. The colors, ranging from classic to modern, allow customers to select them to fit every interior.Vincent Devois honors family traditions but keeps up with the late



    Equipment for charcoal manufacturing by Synergy Dream LLC Synergy-Dream LLC, a Ukrainian company, which has been manufacturing, improving and developing charcoal burning, packing, wood splitting equipment since 2012. We offer our customers the most up-to-date equipment for charcoal production: 1. Furnaces for charcoal production ModEco 4-60 is a charcoal furnace with a capacity of making 72 to 100 tons of charcoal per month in continuous operation, depending on the configuration and model of the furnace. We have a range of furnaces which can work with different types of raw materials: hardwood, coconut shell, almond shell, wood waste. 1. Charcoal packing lines with capacity 1000 kg/h 2. Briquetting machines for bbq charcoal 3. Wood splitters 4. The equipment for hookah charcoals manufacturing We have developed a unique technology, patented in Ukraine. Our technology allows: - to create charcoal production that are absolutely friendly to the environment - only heat goes into the atmosphere, which can be directed to heat buildings; - to create high-quality charcoal with a high content of fixed carbon - this is achieved due to the fact that all processes are regulated by an automatic control system. - to receive information about the operation of the furnace anywhere in the world with the Internet, it is also stored on the server.



    Our company is a Ukrainian manufacturer of paper lids for disposable cups. We manufacture a wide range of paper lid sizes to fit all of the most popular disposable cup sizes. Paper lids ECOTON is a line of paper lids that are ideal for preserving the aroma, warmth or cold of the product. At the same time, they do not harm the environment, since they can be recycled into paper. The products comply with all regulations regarding food contact. ECOTON paper cap is perfect for cold and hot drinks, food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals or soups, and can also be used for containers with desserts, fruits, ice cream. The lid is suitable for heating in the microwave. Today we are pleased to offer you paper lids of the following sizes: 69 mm (4oz Sip Lids), 75 mm (6/7oz Sip Lids), 79 mm (6/8oz Sip Lids), 80 mm (8oz Sip Lids), 90 mm (10/12/16oz Sip Lids), 91 mm (10/12/16oz Sip Lids). IMPORTANT! As a manufacturer, we are ready to make a paper lid for you in your unique size, in the size that will be of interest exclusively to you. In addition, we can make a paper lid of any color and shade, as well as place a logo, inscription, drawing according to your desire. This will make your final product unique, recognizable, memorable!



    [Who we are? ] Our company-manufacturer of OOO "Decor" is based on the Bolekhovsky factory - woodworking factory with nearly centenary history. We have begun to operate since 2000, having chosen a direction of a full cycle of manufacture of plywood products and peeled veneer. [Goal] Today the success of our company largely depends on the proper task - to find a design solution for our customers, using parts from bent plywood in their product. [Products] Company "DECOR" offers a wide range of semi-finished products from bent plywood for manufacturers of residential, commercial (in particular, for educational institutions) and hotel furniture. We also offer rotary cut veneer and bed slats. [Team, Technologies] For the realisation of effective industrial processes we have picked up command of the real professionals: enthusiasts, admirers of the business. For us, innovation, continuous improvement of work processes, and product quality play an important role. [Business Ethics] It is important for the DECOR company to create partnerships with customers and further increase the level of trust with existing partners. We always put the client’s interest above all else and carry out the planned tasks of even the most ambitious projects.



    We are a small Ukrainian company (Top Lider LLC) and we have been growing quinoa in Ukraine since 2015. Now we sell quinoa in Ukraine, Latvia and Chezh Republic. We have good feedback from our customers and Ukrainian quinoa have a better taste than quinoa from Peru. We can pack quinoa in pp bags (25 kg) or in a small packing (250, 500, 1000 g). Quinoa of white variety “OLIMP” is grown in Ukraine. White quinoa, when compared to other types of quinoa, has a more neutral taste, so it is the variety that is the most frequently used in cooking recipes. Moreover quinoa is one of the most healthy grains. The benefit from consuming quinoa comes from its high vitamin and mineral content, which is significantly higher than that of other grain products. We have SGS analytical biochemistry report, produce groats according to Ukrainian Technical Standart TU 10.6-2793117139-001: 2020

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