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УкраинаСтолица (Киев)


    Компания MAGIC AGRO LLC основана в 1998 году. С 2002 года присутствует на аграрном рынке Украины. Большой опыт экспорта пшеницы, кукурудзы, сои, ячменя, гороха, подсолнуха, рапса и продуктов их переработки. В нашем портфолио многолетняя практика поставок морским, железнодорожным и автомобильным транспортом в страны Юго-Восточной Азии и Европы. Коллектив MAGIC AGRO гарантирует качественный и профессиональный подход к выполнению контрактов на всех этапах. Наша команда состоит только из профессиональных, коммуникабельных, толерантных специалистов, всегда готовых к диалогу, сотрудничеству и разумным компромиссам.



    Проектирование и производство современных высокоэффективных промышленных сушильных камер для высококачественной и высокоэкономичной сушки древесины. GEFEST RHE — инновационная система рекуперации тепловой энергии, разработанная инженерным центром компании GEFEST для работы с промышленными сушильными камерами. Система уменьшает энергопотребление сушильной камеры в 2 раза. Сушильные камеры GEFEST обеспечивают: + бездефектную сушку пиломатериала при полном сохранении природных физико-механических свойств древесины, в т.ч. прочности и цвета; + самое низкое потребление тепловой и электроэнергии среди промышленных сушильных камер на рынке Европы; + высококачественную сушку пиломатериала специального назначения: - ламель твердых пород толщиной 4÷12мм; - дубовый брус 250х250мм. Предоставляем современную технологию качественной сушки древесины, недоступную промышленным камерам других производителей, оказываем полную технологическую поддержку нашим заказчикам и обучаем персонал специальным методам работы с камерами — Вам не придется, из-за ошибок, терять собственные деньги. Также производим промышленные: + сушильные камеры для термомодификации древесины; + окрасочно-сушильные и покрасочные камеры; + климатические камеры; + пропарочные камеры; + автономные системы энергообеспечения; + высокоэффективные системы обогрева домов ECOCOLT®; + другое нестандартное технологическое оборудование. ВЫСОКАЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ ДАЁТ НАИБОЛЬШУЮ ПРИБЫЛЬ.

  3. AGROTRAID-2000


    Our company CREATES A QUALITY PRODUCT. AGROTRADE-2000 is a successful company competing with other players in the market of edible oils and fats, agro-food industry, and agriculture. We position ourselves as a successful company in the field - import-export of vegetable oil, import-export of agro-food products, feed for livestock and poultry, biofuels, grain for livestock and poultry. Sunflower oil is the main commodity with a production capacity of 100 metric tons per day. The modernity of high-tech and environmentally friendly production allows us to constantly occupy a leading position in the market of oils and fats for food, agro-food industry, and agriculture. Our company offers for sale sunflower oil, unrefined, unfrozen, 1st grade. There is also corn, high-protein granulated sunflower meal, sunflower husks, soybean oil. Location in the city of Bila Tserkva, in close proximity to the Kyiv-Odessa highway, provides an advantageous logistical transport interchange, supplemented by railway lines with the ability to send up to 20 wagons per day. It is also possible to sell sunflower oil in Halmeu. Implementation and continuous improvement of the safety management system for oils and fats of food, vegetable oil and other products of the agro-food industry that meets the requirements of international and national standards ISO 22000 (DSTU ISO 22000), GMP +, ISCC, guarantees the production of safe products of consistently high quality.



    Our company is a preferred supplier to many market participants. Through all these years of impeccable and honest service, we have built a reputation for supplying the highest quality charcoal on the market, and our goal is to maintain that reputation. We combine our local knowledge with the resources of our mills to facilitate both long-term and short-scale solutions, depending on your needs. Our main values are consistency of quality, compliance with customer requirements, and a high level of professionalism in all our affairs. Cooperating with SV-Synergy you are guaranteed to get high-quality charcoal at the best price and a reliable partner in our company.



    Поставки жира свиного, говяжьего куринного топленого в Европу в автоцистернах .Цена от1250 Евро за МТ 1450 Евро МТ Поставки цемента и сетки из арматуры , поставляем в Австрию. Производство гофро картона из мела по новой технологии . Ищем инвесторов и партнеров. поставки коогулянта в Европу и по миру . для Сульфат алюминия - это коагулянт, который используют во время обработки и подготовки воды. В своем составе он не имеет железа. Его выпускают в форме легкорастворимых капсул, широко используют во время водоподготовки, очищения стоков, а также вод, которые применяются в целях питья и индустриального применения. 10% раствор сульфат алюминия, который основан на солях алюминия, также нашел свое применение во время подготовки питьевой воды. Химическая формула - Al2(SO4)3 Экспорт с Украины , России, Беларусии в страны Западной Европы пиломатериалов, фанеры , паллетной заготовки, паллет, пиллет, древесного угля и другой продукции. Импорт куриного фарша с Польши, Германии, Франции.

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    Деятельность ООО «СТ Энерджи», основанного в июне 2013 года, лежит в области заготовительной деятельности и переработки сырья, организованной системы производства с многоступенчатым контролем качества на момент выпуска готовой продукции - биоэффективного топлива - пеллет. Особое внимание наши технические специалисты уделяют подбору сырья на стадии заготовки, тем самым обеспечивая более высокие показатели по качеству и эколого-экономическим характеристикам готовой продукции наряду с аналогичной продукцией, производимой конкурентами, в сочетании с этим научное звено компании, являющееся отдельным структурным подразделением, изучает методы повышения и улучшения технических характеристик пеллет, внедряя их в производство.



    1. COVID-19: I offer high-quality alcohol-containing antiseptics for hands, Ukrainian production. The product has the following composition: in 100 ml of the solution - 70 ml of ethanol, other ingredients: hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, water, denatonium benzoate, diethyl phthalate, flavoring, coloring agent (formula of antiseptic for hands recommended by WHO). Interested in selling to wholesale companies with access to distribution networks, or directly to networks. 2. REDOXfactor is a product which provides water with antioxidant, recreative, geroprotective, radioprotective properties. With the help of the product, drinking water becomes useful to consumers, a powerful drug-free preventive remedy for cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases. We offer this product to companies, which work in the healthcare sector, and specifies that the partnership will take the form of a distribution services agreement or commercial agency agreement.



    Профессиональные переводы любых документов на все языки: юридические, технические, медицинские, маркетинговые, деловые, научные, литературные переводы. Переводы паспорта, диплома, аттестата, свидетельства, справки, перевод инструкций, руководств, бизнес-планов, презентаций. Переводы на английский, немецкий, испанский, итальянский, французский, арабский, китайский, иврит и другие языки. Нотариальное заверение переводов. Апостиль, срочное проставление апостиля. Нострификация дипломов. Оформление справок о несудимости. Истребование повторных документов ЗАГС в Украине, России, Беларуси, Казахстане и других странах. Консульская легализация документов, подготовка документов для подачи в посольства. Помощь в оформлении документов для визы, консультации по вопросам эмиграции, трудоустройства, брака, получения вида на жительство и гражданства в Украине и за границей.



    "Aleana" Ltd - a large production company for plastics processing. To date, we have the following main business activities: products for home, kitchen, garden, and plastic furniture. The product range is constantly being updated and expanded. A separate area - is the production of products manufactured under license agreements with the customer, such as set-top housing for "Samsung Electronics Ukraine", "Saturn", the packaging and release of products to order. High-quality and competitive products under the TM "Aleana" are focused on a broad community and are highly appreciated by consumers from many countries. The main principles of our work - high-quality products, lowest cost, best prices. All this is achieved by the latest production system, modern equipment, highly skilled personnel, flexible sales tactics, and quality control at every stage of production. The production capacity of the company is 40 km from the city of Kyiv. On the plant is installed and constantly updated unique for Ukraine park of equipment, injection molding machines of the latest generation of LS Cable, We use in the production only the most advanced technology and imported materials. The company operates in accordance with the international quality management system ISO 9001: 2008 and has a certificate with the number NQSP-0061/09-13. All manufactured products have a barcode EAN.



    Мы продаем древесный уголь собственного производства. Наша производственная мощность составляет до 500 тонн в месяц. Древесный уголь соответствует Марке А, ГОСТ 7657-84 Украина "Уголь". Технические детали: бездымный, без запаха, не сверкающий, без химических добавок, с высоким тепловыделением, легко воспламеняется, с длительным сроком горения. Содержание углерода - 84% Зольность - 1, 3% Уровень влажности - 1, 3%. Фракция угля: от 20 до 250 мм. Вид древесины, которая используется - дуб, граб. При расчете транспортных расходов, пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что: грузовик 96 метров кубических может вместить 16-17 тонн древесного угля, грузовик 120 метров кубических может вместить 19-21 тонн, контейнер 40 футов может вместить 11-12 тонн древесного угля. Упаковка: уголь упакован в белых полипропиленовых мешках, один мешок содержит приблизительно 14-18 кг угля. Также можем упаковать древесный уголь в бумажные мешки в соответствии с вашими требованиями - 10 кг, 5 кг, 2, 5 кг и прочие.

  1. PE YAN


    Предприятие занимается выращиванием пшеницы, кукурузы, сои, ячменя, семечки и тд. Так же предприятие производит бальзамический уксус: лимонный, виноградный, яблочный и тд. Предприятие производит изделия «Банки и флаконы из стекла марки ОС» произведенные в Украине, предназначены для разлива, транспортировки и хранения лекарственных средств для внутреннего и наружного применения, спиртовых растворов, косметических препаратов, ароматических масел. Используется продукция в четырех отраслях: фармацевтическая, химическая, пищевая, косметическая, ветеринарная.



    Предприятие ERAFLYME LLC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Электробытовые приборы - импорт-экспорт. Его также можно найти в секторах heating panel electric infrared, бытовое отопление, обогревательное оборудование, и аппаратура обогревательная оптом. Его местоположение Petropavlivska Borschagivka, Украина.



    Предприятие "VESNA-KRASNA" LLC, - это Оптовая продажа, и работающее в секторе Изделия из дерева. Его также можно найти в секторах Поддоны, деревяные поддоны, Поставки поддонов, поддоны б/у, и Поддоны. Его местоположение Kyiv, Украина.



    Предприятие UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Печатные схемы. Его также можно найти в секторах Сборка печатных плат, сборка электронной аппаратуры, и Электронная сборка. Его местоположение Kyiv, Украина.



    Предприятие GC PRIORITET, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Продукты питания - импорт-экспорт. Его местоположение Kiev, Украина.



    Предприятие ICHNYA DRIED MILK AND BUTTER PLANT PJSC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Молоко сухое и сгущенное. Его также можно найти в секторах Молочные продукты, Молочные продукты, Молочний світ, масло сливочное, и сыры мягкие. Его местоположение Ichnya, Украина.



    PJSC "Shchorsky Foodstuff Plant" is an enterprise that produces 200 different types of products for every taste. We produce gingerbread, candies, marmalade, cookies, muffins, jam, gozinaki and other confectionery. We also produce canned fruits and vegetables (berries grated with sugar, jam) and juices. Among the new products are sugar-free bars made from natural dried fruits and nuts, protein bars. On the foreign market since 2005. Today it is Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Moldova. Since 2016, PJSC "Shchorsky Foodstuff Plant" has introduced the HACCP food safety management system, as evidenced by the DSTU ISO 22000 certificate. We work according to the state standards of Ukraine (DSTU), we produce products from natural ingredients, quality is our credo. We are looking for partners for mutually beneficial cooperation.



    More than 10 years of successful experience in the cultivation, harvesting in nature and primary processing (washing, drying, cutting) of Medicinal plant materials in Ukraine. We are pleased to offer our products for your production needs. Camomile (Matricāria chamomīlla), flower, grass, scree. Herba Hyperici (Hypericum perforatum), grass. Thyme (Thýmus), grass. Nettle (Urtíca), leaf. Raspberry (Rúbus idáeus), leaf. Mint (Méntha), leaf, grass. Melissa (Melissa), leaf, grass. Motherwort (Leonúrus), leaf, grass. Willow-herb (Chamerion), leaf, grass. Immortelle (Helichrysum), flower. Mallow (Málva), flower. Marigold (Caléndula), flower. Marjoram (Oríganum), grass. Sage (Salvia), leaf, grass. Bur marigold (Bidens tripartita), grass. Tormentil (Alpinia), root. Valeriana (Valeriána officinális), root. Echinacea (Echinacea), grass, root. Birch (Bétula), bud. Pine tree (Pínus), bud. Hawthorn (Crataégus), berry. Brier (Rōsa), berry. Oak (Quércus), bark. Indicated list of Medicinal Herbs could be expanded. Type of raw materials (whole or cut), packaging and weight of pack could be discussed additionally. The all mentioned above raw materials (berry, flower, grass, leaf, root and bark) are in high quality condition and meet requirements of European Pharmacopoeia.

  7. PEIKO


    Peiko is a company that develops the most demanding and technically complex web projects, improving the quality of products for all major IT markets in the world. We have been helping companies and startups develop and scale with high-tech solutions for 6+ years. During our work we have closed more than 189 successful projects in Fintech, Blockchain, E-commerce, Healthcare and other industries. And we continue to grow and support clients in 15 countries of the world. Our team of 67 professionals is now ready to develop a customized solution for your business and help you get closer to success. Contact us at hello@peiko.space to discuss your project



    MERX is a furniture company with extensive experience in both domestic and foreign markets. Founded in 1993, the company became a leader of furniture industry, proving this title for decades. The Philosophy of MERX is “constant development”, which makes it possible to continuously update and improve technical basis and production resources. With the help of modern factory, MERX produces home, kitchen, bathroom furniture, office furniture and the furniture for HoReCa and shops. MERX is a reliable and solid importer of commercial equipment, well-known brands of Italian furniture, and is the exclusive representative of Country Corner, the French factory. Today the company's dealer network includes more than 300 brand salons throughout Ukraine. In addition, MERX is a well-known brand in the CIS countries, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Great Britain, USA and Canada. This proves that the company's products are recognized and in demand all over the world. Well-established logistic chain, optimized delivery and quality service ensure high level of customer loyalty.

  1. K-TEP


    Ukrainian company "K-TEP" - Manufacture of pumps, pumping equipment; food industry equipment; pharmaceutical equipment; valves of a wide range of sizes The main features of the offered equipment are: durability, reliability in operation, combined at the same time with simplicity, ease of maintenance due to the high quality of both units and individual parts. Regardless of what kind of equipment you need for which industry, we will find solutions that will contribute to improving the efficiency of technological processes. We cooperate with both individual buyers and enterprises. We will create attractive conditions for the purchase of this equipment, help to solve issues at the design stage, related to the selection, installation of equipment, maintenance.

  2. UTEM-TT


    UTEM-TT, part of UTEM Group, specialises in: - fabrication of pipeline components, pieces and pipe spools of carbon and stainless steels under Ukrainian codes and Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU); and - manufacture of custom equipment, pipe hangers and supports for the the energy, food, oil & gas, and civil sectors. Our core products are: equal and reducing tees DN 50÷300, WT 1÷12 mm reducers DN 25÷300, WT 1÷12 mm elbows DN 50÷300, WT 1÷12 mm flanges D 50÷300 caps D 50÷300 blinds D 50÷300 sockolets. UTEM-TT makes stainless steel fittings according to EN 10216-5 and carbon steel fittings according to EN 10216-1, -2 and -3. UTEM-TT also produces high- and low-pressure pipe spools for process piping of various purposes. UTEM-TT uses state-of-the-art production machinery, and assures and controls product quality at every manufacturing stage.



    LC FASHION - Ukrainian manufacturer of clothing and accessories made of leather, fur, as well as natural and synthetic fabrics. We offer a large assortment (skirts, trousers, shorts, dresses, overalls, sundresses, vests, cardigans, etc.).  The main emphasis is on the production of clothes made of genuine leather. We select only high-quality materials and strictly control the quality of tailoring. Our company strives to satisfy all customer needs and exceed its expectations, creating conditions for quality service. At the heart of our customer relationship is an individual approach. Much attention is paid to the staff, our team employs the best specialists in different areas - from seamstresses to stylists who professionally advise buyers in the store.   Our boutique provides the latest collection of works by Ukrainian designer I.TIA. A designer's peculiarity is single models, made in only one color and in one size.   An important priority is individuality when choosing a stylistic direction.   Beauty in everyday life - this is the main credo of the designer.



    STARTERS FOR HOMEMADE DAIRY PRODUCTS are produced by the company Italian center of Research and Development of Microbiology and Good Food company. Eurofins Scientific Laboratories confirms product, production and logistic adequacy of and compliance with European standards of quality and safety. Certification: ISO 9000, ISO 21000. Probiotic starters for yogurt and kefir - it's a unique product of functional food that combines functional properties of nutrition and medication. Good Food starters it's an excellent certified quality, 100% natural product (no preservatives or GMO), have no contradictions. Clinically tested. Закваски для домашних йогрутов Good Food. Совместный продукт итальянского «Центра исследований и развития биохимии и микробиологии BIOCHEM» и украинской компании Good Food. Основа заквасок - пробиотические культуры, идентичные микрофлоре человека, обладают высоким терапевтическим эффектом. Goodfood предлагает широкий ассортимент заквасок: для приготовления домашних йогуртов, кефира, ряженки и творога. Полезные свойства пробиотиков, которые входят в Good Food были многократно доказаны мировыми исследованиями.



    Excipients play a crucial role in various industries, such as food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical. In our company, we are dedicated to the development, production and supply of high-quality excipients to meet the diverse needs of these industries. One of our key offerings includes a range of emulsifiers such as E475, E476, E477, E492, E493 and more. These emulsifiers are indispensable in the formulation of a wide range of products in various industries. In addition, our defoamers and silicone-free surfactants are widely used in the production of sugar and starch, as well as in biotechnological processes such as the production of biogas, amino acids, alcohol, yeast and crop protection products. in pharmaceuticals we offer Solid Fat for suppositories. We are proud of our state-of-the-art production facilities equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. These capacities allow us to meet the growing needs of the excipients market, while ensuring the highest quality standards. Our products are manufactured in accordance with international standards, and our manufacturing processes are certified in accordance with FCCS 22000, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 standards. In addition, our products have been HALAL and KOSHER certified, reflecting our commitment to meeting a variety of requirements and preferences.



    We are a «GALA FOODS» company. We sell buckwheat, corn, pearl barley, semolina, split peas, millets, ets. For more than six years we keep leading positions in the production in Ukraine of groats. Having our own raw material base (Ukraine, Pakistan, Italy, Thailand, the USA, Morocco, Peru) we offer trademarks of crops that are the profitable solutions for distribution and trade for importers. Our ТМs are: «ART FOODS» offers a new set of incredible and exceptional flavors from the most distant corners of the world. While cooking in your kitchen, you can travel around the world by experiencing amazing tastes and creating real culinary masterpieces. Immerse yourself in a gastronomic journey with a wide range of "ART FOODS” cereals and crops from both classic national cuisine and different continents with exotic foods. «Pere» is a carefully selected assortment of the most wholesome cereals, absolute quality, and packaging design are what distinguishes us on the market among the products of the elite segment. These are premium segment packages of high-quality selected cereals collected from different parts of the world: quinoa and lentils, black and red rice, bulgur and couscous, chickpeas and mung beans, white buckwheat, a mixture of wild and unpolished rice, jasmine and camolino, and also the «king above all rice sorts» - basmati.



    SERGIO LLC Our mission as a manufacturer of dried fruits and snacks. Today we see our calling in producing truly high-quality and natural Ukrainian products for you - using a technology that allows you to save all minerals without smoking and adding flavors, preservatives and fats. That is why we are proud to present you the best dried fruits, berries, dried vegetables, fruit snacks and delicacies in Ukraine - which give pleasure to taste, heal and fill every day with joy and bright colors ! Our assortment: + Fruit and Berry Bars, + Fruit and Berry Candies + Apple Chips, + Candied Fruits, + Dried Fruits, + Compote Mixes natural and healthy for the body. Tasty and healthy summer - all year round ! Elena Bolshakova, TM "Sergio" Certification ISO 22000, ISO 9001, IFS



    Since 1992, CARSHE company has been designing and building exclusive exhibition stands in Ukraine, Europe and around the world. CARSHE’s professional team ensures high quality and creative design of their work. We clearly understand that the exhibition stand built by us will become the personification of your company in the eyes of visitors and participants of the event. That’s why we make every effort, and our exhibition stands are regularly received with awards for the best design. The CARSHE company was the first in Ukraine to build two-story exhibition stands from Octanorm structures for the companies Ukrtelecom, Panasonic, Bosch, and for the first time in the world - three-story exhibition stands for Knauf, Siemens, LG, and Kyivstar. You can see it in our portfolio https: //carshe.com/en/portfolio/ If you need to order a stand for an exhibition, we will become your reliable partner!



    Equipment for charcoal manufacturing by Synergy Dream LLC Synergy-Dream LLC, a Ukrainian company, which has been manufacturing, improving and developing charcoal burning, packing, wood splitting equipment since 2012. We offer our customers the most up-to-date equipment for charcoal production: 1. Furnaces for charcoal production ModEco 4-60 is a charcoal furnace with a capacity of making 72 to 100 tons of charcoal per month in continuous operation, depending on the configuration and model of the furnace. We have a range of furnaces which can work with different types of raw materials: hardwood, coconut shell, almond shell, wood waste. 1. Charcoal packing lines with capacity 1000 kg/h 2. Briquetting machines for bbq charcoal 3. Wood splitters 4. The equipment for hookah charcoals manufacturing We have developed a unique technology, patented in Ukraine. Our technology allows: - to create charcoal production that are absolutely friendly to the environment - only heat goes into the atmosphere, which can be directed to heat buildings; - to create high-quality charcoal with a high content of fixed carbon - this is achieved due to the fact that all processes are regulated by an automatic control system. - to receive information about the operation of the furnace anywhere in the world with the Internet, it is also stored on the server.



    We are a manufacturing company specializing in natural processing, namely cleaning and sterilizing, packaging, and exporting beeswax. Our production meets the requirements of ISO 22000: 2005. We buy raw beeswax in ecologically clean areas of central and southern Ukraine. The quality of beeswax is strictly controlled and meets all EU standards. According to customer requirements, it can be delivered in any desired packaging. We have all the required quality certificates and specifications. We offer delivery of natural beeswax only. We also have an export license for export to 20 countries.

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