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    Частное предприятие "НИКИФОРОВ" создано в 1999 году. Основные направления производства: литье цветных металлов под высоким давлением экструзионное производство ППР и ПЭ изготовление полимерных фитингов ППР и ПЭ горяче-штамповочное производство холодно-высадочное производство цеха механической обработки Наличие этих производственных мощностей позволяет выпускать: водо-газопроводную арматуру по полному технологическому циклу; полимерные трубы ППР и ПЭ; фитинги ППР и ПЭ; гибкую подводку для газо- и водопровода; товары хозяйственной группы; изделия по чертежам заказчика



    Мы команда профессионалов с более чем 30-летним опытом в машиностроении и металлообработке. Мы владеем собственным производством, складами, оборудованием и станками для производства высококачественных узлов и деталей из металлов, и полимеров. Но наша наибольшая гордость - наши высококвалифицированные работники, инженеры и менеджеры. Наши мощности находятся в Украине, в городе Сумы, который признан городом машиностроителей и производственников. Наша основная специализация - производство роторов, валов длиной до 5000 мм и Ø до 600 мм, рабочих колес - Ø 1020 мм, штоков и поршней длиной до 4500 мм и Ø 250 мм, подшипников скольжения различной сложности с внутренним Ø от 50 мм до 400 мм. Наш опыт и оборудование позволяют нам производить другие запасные части и детали высокого качества с шероховатостью поверхности до 0, 4 Ra. Наши специалисты производят ремонт роторов компрессоров, нагнетателей, вентиляторов, насосов. Мы также ремонтируем и производим новые запчасти для электродвигателей мощностью от 500 кВт до 3500 кВт, станков и технологического оборудования для пищевой промышленности, металлообработки, деревообработки, сельского хозяйства и энергетики.



    Мы предлагаем большой выбор яркой и качественной одежды от детской трикотажной фабрики для новорожденных и детей раннего возраста «Бейби Ар». С каждым днем ребенок становится старше и умнее, впитывает знания и навыки. С ними прибавляются и сантиметры роста, растет ножка, малыш становится крепче и нуждается в одежде большего размера. Курточки, штаны, свитера, комбинезоны, которые были как раз еще весной, сегодня уже малы и родители отправляются со своим ребенком за обновками. Покупка качественной детской одежды для ребенка является очень ответственной задачей для мам и пап, так как ребенку в ней должно быть легко и комфортно. Компания «Бейби Арт» вот уже 16 лет одевает дизайнерскими моделями одежды новорожденных и детей раннего возраста в Украине и за ее пределами. В процессе производства трикотажа для детской одежды применяются только качественные материалы, соответствующие всем санитарным нормам. Сырье имеет сертификаты, а продукция для деток от «Бейби Арт» отвечает всем гигиеническим нормам и стандартам качества, поэтому маленьким клиентам в нашей одежде комфортно и удобно. В разделах сайта вы найдете широкий выбор нужных вам вещей на 4 сезона: осень-зима, весна-лето для детей любых возрастов. Весь ассортимент собран по категориям для удобства поиска нужного предмета гардероба. Мы стараемся идти в ногу со временем и соответствовать требованиям наших маленьких клиентов, поэтому предлагаем их мамам и папам купить модную детскую одежду по приятной стоимости!



    Компания «Экобиз» - производитель природных лечебно-косметических средств в Украине. Наша особенность - в том, что большинство наших продуктов основано на природном магниевом минерале (хлорид магния), который добывается непосредственно в Украине и обладает огромным спектром эффектов в сферах красоты и здоровья. Сегодня в нашем ассортименте:  Натуральная лечебная косметика (наиболее известные магниевое масло, магниевая соль для ванн и другие магниевые препараты)  Профессиональная и SPA-косметика  Ветеринарная косметика  Косметика для private label (контрактное производство) Ведущие аптечные сети, салоны красоты, медицинские и SPA центры, дистрибьюторы не только в Украине, но и за рубежом успешно продают нашу продукцию. У нас есть все ресурсы, чтобы предложить вам качественную продукцию по доступным ценам, потому что:  Наши производственные мощности прошли международную сертификацию GMP / ISO  Более 17 лет опыта в области исследований, разработки и производства.  Возможность сотрудничества по максимально доступным ценам, в связи с локализацией и рабочим процессом производства. Приглашаем к сотрудничеству дистрибьюторов в сфере B2B!



    Наше предприятие специализируется на производстве и поставках тары и упаковки для сыпучих груза. Одним из основных направлений нашего предприятия является производство Вагонных вкладышей, вкладышей в морские контейнера , БМК (большой мягкий контейнер многоразового использования), мягких контейнеров. Арива Пак имеет множество патентов на изобретение тары и упаковки . Наши изобретения успешно используют во многих странах мира. Такая продукция как вкладыш в открытый железнодорожный вагон обеспечивает транспортировку груза и защищает груз от намокания, просыпания, и выветривания. Вагонный вкладыш в открытый железнодорожный вагон является альтернативой специализированных вагонов (Хоппер вагон). Изготавливается из полимерных многослойных материалов. Продукция вкладыш в морской контейнер обеспечивает транспортировку сыпучего груза в морских контейнерах и защищает его от наружной атмосферы, влаги и другое.

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    НПП ООО "Сузирье" является крупнейшим украинским производителем товаров для домашних животных. В ассортименте, выпускаемой продукции, зерновые смеси для грызунов и декоративных видов птиц, изделия из пластика (миски, игрушки), аквариумы, клетки, дряпки для кошек, шампуни, одежда и обувь для животных, лежаки, сумки-переноски и много других аксессуаров для домашних питомцев.



    ООО "Торговая компания "Украина" занимается производством и продажей круп. Ведем бизнес на рынке сельхозпродукции более 15 лет Можем предложить крупу гречневую, горох желтый колотый, рис длинный/круглый/пропаренный. Товар сертифицированный, высокого качества.



    Предприятие INSTYLE, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Шкафы, встроенные шкафы. Его также можно найти в секторах Шкафы для чертежей, Шкафы для чертежей, и кухня на заказ. Его местоположение Kharkiv, Украина.



    Предприятие PABAGS LLC, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Бумажные пакеты. Его также можно найти в секторах пакетики из тиснёной бумаги, и сумки для покупок и мешочки. Его местоположение Kharkiv, Украина.

  5. GABBI


    Предприятие GABBI, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе Одежда детская. Его также можно найти в секторах детская одежда, органический хлопок, и контроль качества одежды. Его местоположение Kharkiv, Украина.



    Предприятие GLOBECORE, - это Изготовитель, и работающее в секторе БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИ ЧИСТОЕ СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО. Его местоположение Ukraine Poltava, Украина.



    TM “Gurman Family” is a modern developing flexible company with many years of experience, which has been manufacturing confectionery products since 2000. We are looking for a distributors for salings in EU. Our products are certified according to ISO 22003: 2013 C, subcategory III C IV. Our partners are DiNova Moldova, Brewwanz Estonia, SIA "Amili" Latvia,   SIA "Link Vest" Latvia,   SV-Mix Germany, SRL @Fest Plus". Our range of products, which is constantly updated, is able to impress with its diversity. We use unique old recipes paired with the latest technologies in production. TM “Gurman Family” produces approximately 111 various kinds of sweets, croissant, marmalade, shortbread cookies, puff pastry, oriental sweets, chur-Czech-Kela, sorbet and others.. The strategy of our company is in 2020 to make our sweets to the taste of people not only in our country. We want “the world taste the brand GF”, in addition, we are ready to cooperate with distributors and discuss the delivery and payment conditions with each client individually. If you are interested in cooperation with our company, we ask You immediately contact to the export department for discussing all the conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation. Also we send You a price and our representer. (export@gf.org.ua) tel: +380674958688; With hope for cooperation. Taste and see for yourselves: TM "Gurman Family" is more than just delicious!



    Стильная женская одежда от производителя, напрямую поставляемая клиентам - выгодное предложение швейного производства. При работе над новыми моделями учитываются мнения и пожелания наших покупательниц. Предлагаем Вам приобрести современную женскую одежду от украинского производителя оптом и в розницу. В наличии имеются платья, туники, блузы, сарафаны, жакеты, полупальто. Stylish women's clothing from the manufacturer, directly supplied to customers - a great deal of sewing production. When working on new models, the opinions and wishes of our customers are taken into account. We offer you to buy modern women's clothing from the Ukrainian manufacturer wholesale and retail. Dresses, tunics, blouses, sundresses, jackets, short coats are available.



    In 2011, our group of companies organized the production of composite materials. The main segment of our products is the production of tank equipment designed for transportation and storage of food products, oil products, chemically aggressive substances. We manufacture containers, tanks at the request of the customer, taking into account the properties of the substances for which they will be used. When designing tanks intended for the transport of dangerous goods, the requirements of ADR (ADR) are taken into account. Other products from composite materials are also produced along the way. Our goal is to meet the needs of domestic and foreign companies for affordable, high-quality tank equipment and transport for the transportation of liquid cargo. The main manufactured products are made of composite materials: - Fiberglass tanks, reservoirs, tanks - tanks for chassis of trucks - tanks for trailers and semi-trailers - composite lighting masts



    JSC "CTOMA" is a Ukrainian manufacturer of artificial teeth, dental materials and medicines. Founded in 1929, "Kharkiv Plant of Medical Plastics and Dental Materials" today has evolved into one of the largest healthcare companies in the CIS. JSC "CTOMA" cooperates with many Ukrainian and international companies. For more than 85 years almost all the achievements of the domestic production of dental products go by the name of our company. In spite of a high level of recently emerged foreign competition the products of JSC "CTOMA" still enjoy keen demand due to its checked quality and favorable prices. The quality of JSC "CTOMA" products is confirmed by the certificates of State Standard of Ukraine and CIS countries and complies with DSTU ISO 9001: 2001 (ISO 9001: 2000) and DSTU ISO 13485: 2005 (ISO 13485: 2003). JSC "CTOMA" produces medicines in accordance with EU Guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) that is confirmed by the Medical Device Manufacturing License. JSC "CTOMA" has all the necessary production capacities, longstanding business experience, a team of highly qualified professionals, long-term relationship with suppliers and manufacturers of raw materials. All the above-mentioned give us an opportunity to produce high quality materials at reasonable prices.



    Manufacturing of RUBBER-METAL SEALS: ROTARY SHAFT SEALS, OIL-SEALS for automotive, trucks, agryculture, heavy industry. Also produce: rubber parts for brake systems, radial shaft seals, silent-blocks, protective rubber boots, CV-Joint boots, different rubber plugs, caps and grommets for cablesystems, water and gear pump seals, washing mashine seals, rubber glands and gaskets, shock-absorber seals, vibration isolator or mounts, o-rings and other packing elements. Materias: FKM, NBR, ACM, CR, EPDM, FVMQ, MVQ, IR, SBR, BR, CIIR etc. Contract manufacturing since 1991: Our in-house facilities Tool Manufacturing Rubber Molding Machines (Presses) Full Rubber Compound Manufacturing Facilities (Mixing) Measuring, Rubber Laboratory and Oil-Seals Testing Equipment Full Range of Finishing Equipment (Automatic & Manual Rubber Trimming) Preforming (Barwell), Rubber Compound Sheet Cutting (Lengthwise, Crosswise), Calendering Metal Stamping Presses (up to 200 ton), High Productivity Automatic Stamping Lines Metal Preparations, Metal Treatment Galvanizing: Phosphating, Zinc-plating, Chromium-plating Adhesive production, automatic glue applying, drying Oil-seals Spring-forming & Spring-joining Ovens, Thermostats Mold Cleaning Equipment Nitrogen Deflashing equipment Storage Facilities, Transforming Station, Compressed Air Production and Accumulation, Boiler house etc.



    Comserv Ukraine is the largest polymer bag manufacturer in Ukraine. Our company has been operating in the plastic market since 2000. During this time, we have established constant cooperation with companies in various fields of activity throughout Ukraine. Our regular customers are companies involved in the final implementation, such as «МЕТRО», «Roshen», «Fozzy-group», «Novus», «Varus», greenhouses, wholesale firms, and many others. Now Comserv Ukraine has developed the production capacity of up to 1, 500 tons of products per month, with more than 180 employees. In 2012, we passed certification according to ISO 9001: 2009 standard certificate No. UA2.003.07401 -12. We suggest an individual approach to our new partners in compliance with the agreements reached, the exact delivery terms, guaranteed quality products taking into account all the required parameters. We practice the international supplement on the terms of DAP Incoterms 2010. The common range of our products includes the following types: t-shirt bags and packing in rolls or blocks/packs, garbage bags, bags with a slotted handle, custom-made t-shirt bags with branded logo, serial bags, bags for refrigerators, bags with organic additives, as well as manufacturing products to individual requirements. Catalog: drive.google.com/file/d/1L8c56dvtG_UPdOcEGAiC6pXiD6PjveFi/view? usp=sharing Video: https: //cloud.mail.ru/public/jSqQ/kVrD2Lpp9



    The DCL Group group of companies unites manufacturing enterprises that manufacture products under the trademarks TM Magnetik, TM Harvinyl, TM Vodoley. Our products have been represented on the markets of Europe and the CIS for more than 20 years and compare favorably with competing brands. An important difference between the DCL Group of companies is the full production cycle. Every detail of our products is manufactured at our enterprise and is controlled at all stages, from the moment of receipt of raw materials to the final quality control of the finished product. The staff at the production facilities is more than 500 people, the equipment fleet is regularly modernized, and new types of production are mastered. The DCL Group guarantees the high quality of all presented products and stable performance characteristics. The key to this is the effective organization of production, which meets the requirements of the ISO 9001 management system standards, a modern equipment park and a highly qualified workforce. The engineering and technical personnel of the enterprise are constantly working to improve the designs of manufactured products, as well as to master the production of new types of products.



    Private enterprise "Einhorn" is a manufacturer of the decorative stone with a good reputation and many years of experience in supplying qualitative materials.Throughout the history of development, we have always paid special attention to the quality of our products, both the technical side and the aesthetic. The product range of more than 300 items. There are models that repeat the texture of wild and weathered stone, slate rocks and processed stones. Collections of brick textures are suitable for any design, whether it is an interior with hand-molded bricks or old brickwork on the facade. There are mosaic textures with which you can embody any fantasies.In company employs more than 40 people. Most of the employees, once having joined the team of our company, still work with us. We always pay great attention and respect to each other and to our business partners and believe that this is an integral part of work and stable development. The stone is made using the technology of “vibrocasting”. For the production of decorative stone, white high-quality cement (M-525, D0), coarse sand, lightweight filler, iron oxide pigments are used. Products of TM Einhorn are made of lightweight concrete, painted in its entire mass. Our products, according to tests, have indicators of F-200 cycles in frost resistance and M 250 in strength, which guarantees the durability of the material.



    The manufacturing enterprise "Inegva" produces fasteners and goggles from polymeric materials. All products are manufactured on a modern production line from imported raw materials from leading world manufacturers. The quality of products meets national standards and is not inferior to the quality of more expensive counterparts of foreign production, which is easy to verify by testing samples of our products. We are moving forward, improving technology and expanding the range with new interesting and necessary products.



    Company "Zavod Zaglushki" was founded in 2011 in Kharkiv, Ukraine. Despite daily missile attacks, we continue to work for our future. We strive to provide our customers with quality products and stability, which is why we have opened an additional production facility in Lviv, located near the Polish border. Our company manufactures high-quality plastic caps for profile pipes, providing reliable protection and an aesthetic look for your structures. Purchase plastic caps for profile pipes from us and get products that meet the highest quality standards at the best prices! Our end caps are widely used in various fields, including: -Children's playgrounds/sports grounds. -Furniture -Fences -Medical furniture -Production of household appliances -Metallurgy and mechanical engineering. -Construction and repair. -Closing technical holes.. Why Choose Us? -PRICE. QUALITY. EXPERIENCE. -High product quality -Reliable supply due to two production sites -Support for environmental standards We care about the environment and actively support the idea of material reuse. Our plastic end caps are made from recycled plastic, giving it new life. Our environmental responsibility is a crucial part of our operations, and we continually improve our processes to reduce our environmental impact. Contact us to learn more about our products and how we can meet your needs!



    Selprom is a wholesale yellow split peas manufacturer. We also are grains and cereals producer. We process all major types of agriculture products. That is to say our company supply market with beans, pulses, lentils, and high-quality food peas. Our products are pulses and beans and grains. In other words the main sources of protein and carbohydrates. The assortment includes yellow split peas chana dal, whole dried yellow peas, white proso millet, hulled millet and many other products, ready for subsequent cooking. As a result right managing, you can provide your food production or catering establishments with cereals and legumes in the right amount. Certainly we work with customers large and small wholesale. Most importantly Selprom offer competitive prices. Check out yellow split peas manufacturer propositions to buy yellow split peas or purchase hulled millet with grains of high-quality.



    HEALER COSMETICS - украинский производитель лечебной косметики на основе растительных компонентов: экстрактов целебных растений, настоев трав, минеральных веществ, эфирных масел и витаминов. Это качественные эффективные товары, доступные каждому. Ищем партнеров на рынках FMSG-ритейла, online-продаж, оптово-розничной торговли , дистрибьюторов в странах СНГ, ближнего и дальнего зарубежья. Ищем дистрибьютора своей продукции. - Компания Healer Cosmetics является производителем натуральной, органической косметики по уходу за кожей. - Сертифицированное производство, используем только качественные ингредиенты от ведущих мировых производителей, происхождение сырья имеет сертификаты. HEALER COSMETICS is a Ukrainian manufacturer of medical cosmetics based on herbal ingredients: extracts of medicinal plants, herbal infusions, minerals, essential oils and vitamins. These are high-quality effective products available to everyone. We are looking for partners in the markets of FMSG retail, online sales, wholesale and retail trade, distributors in the CIS countries, near and far abroad. We are looking for a distributor of our products. - Healer Cosmetics is a manufacturer of natural, organic skin care cosmetics. - Certified production, we use only high-quality ingredients from the world's leading manufacturers, the origin of raw materials has certificates.



    Empire of metals Ltd – is a multifunctional production enterprise, the leading player on the market of molding equipment for pasta and confectionery production. Main activities of Empire of metals Ltd: *Production and restoration of molding equipment and spare parts for pasta and confectionery industries, including technological support during maintenance; * Production and restoration of machinery for agriculture — the equipment for processing, cleaning and sorting grains and seeds; * Production of spare parts for all industries and details on individual projects; * Design and manufacture of non-standard equipment under individual projects for all industries; * Selling of metalworking equipment, high-tech tools and equipment; * Delivery of highly reliable, multifunctional bakery equipment, maintenance and full support. * Consulting and engineering in the field of machining — development of technological processes and design documentation, technological and technical support;



    Since 2001 UKROLIYA has been producing traditional sunflower oil which we export to more than 50 countries worldwide. In that time, as consumer preferences have changed, we have evolved with them. Through constant adaptation and by listening to our customers we have chosen a priority business direction - the creation of added value products in the professional culinary and high oleic organic oils market. Our company has 2 production facilities in Dikanka and Zinkiv in the Poltava region of Ukraine. UKROLIYA is represented in the market of traditional sunflower oil by the trademark DIKANKA, in professional high oleic oil by EFFO and in the organic sunflower oil market by the brand Garna Organica . The company holds approximately 12% of the Ukrainian market for packaged sunflower oil, and UKROLIYA products are exported to more than 50 countries in the world.



    We offer (TPU) thermo-polyurethane molds not only for decorative artificial stone, but also for the production of serial paving slabs! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE MARKET ! ! ! We offer (TPU) thermo-polyurethane molds not only for decorative artificial stone, but also for the production of serial paving slabs! The main advantages of our forms: Save time. Readiness of the form for stripping in 10-12 hours. The economy on the number of people involved in production. A high% of rejects in production disappears. 100% transmission of texture, texture of the manufactured product, it turns out it is a decorative stone or the same paving slabs.Key features and benefits of forms: - environmentally friendly production (after unpacking does not require processing with chemical solutions).- does not need lubrication.- formwork does not require heating.- do not transmit the color of the pre-poured concrete.- Do not break the corners of the product.- energy savings of 60%.- there is no need to use a stripping table and much more.Forms of this type bring production income from the first month of work. Warranty for 5 years form. When buying blanks - Technique as a gift. Quality assurance.Concrete preparation for production. Paving slabs and artificial decorative stone.When working with us, always be three steps ahead of your competitors ! ! ! More details on the website: http: //techno-odis.com/en http: //plitka-form.com/+3 8 099 958 30 54https: //youtu.be/XGvHEaSuvSI



    Usine pour la production de robes marque Juliana Vestido

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