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    ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» створено на базі Херсонського хлібокомбінату державного виробничо-торговельного підприємства «Херсонхліб» у 1997 році. У свій час «Херсонхліб» об'єднувало три виробничі цехи у м.Херсоні, засновані почергово, починаючи з 1953 року. Отже, виробництво хлібобулочних та кондитерських виробів здійснюється на потужностях ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» вже більше шести десятиліть. Протягом останніх років компанія впроваджує найкращі технології хлібопечення, які дозволяють поліпшити якість продукції та розширити асортимент. На сьогодні ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» складає групу компаній, що займаються виробництвом хлібобулочних, кондитерських та борошномельних продуктів. PJSC "Kherson Khlibokombinat" was founded on the basis of Kherson bread-baking complex of State Manufacturing and Trading Company "Kherson Khlib" in 1997. At one time "Kherson Khlib" united three production departments in the city of Kherson, that have been founded alternately since 1953. Consequently, the production of bakery and confectionery products is carried out at the facilities of PJSC "Kherson Khlibokombinat" for more than six decades. Over the past few years, the company has been introducing the best bakery technologies that improve product quality and product range. Today PJSC “Kherson Khlibokombinat” is a group of companies engaged in the production of bakery, confectionery and flour products.



    TEKLINE exports grains, oilseeds and products of their processing from Ukraine to Western Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, North and South America. Founded In 2009, TEKLINE is one of the leading grain trading companies in Ukraine. TEKLINE ensures high quality of products and timeliness of deliveries. We constantly develop our company and expand geography of the activity, focusing on long-term co-operation with clientsworldwide. Every day Tekline is working hard to bring essential agricultural products to homes around the Globe. More than 40000 tones of grains, pulses, cereals and other raw materials we bring annually to the people lives. Our goal and mission to build a sustainable business during the future. TEKLINE exports grains, oilseeds and products of their processing: Products: hulled millet, semolina, buckwheat, oat flakes, pearl barley, Raw: yellow millet, red millet, white millet, black millet, oats, barley, white sorghum, red sorghum, flax seeds, coriander, safflower, wheat, yellow peas, green peas, Delivery of goods is carried out to more than 30 countries worldwide. Besides the export, we are involving in grains processing and storage of the goods at our warehouses. During the shipment process, we pack the grains to individual bags various weights: 20 kg, 25 kg, 30 kg, 50 kg, big bags and in bulk at customer’s request, which can also order a label or print for any packaging.



    Soltis Trade Group https: //soltistrade.com/ is successfully developing trading company with a main office based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Basic principles and priorities in the conduct of our business are professionalism and guarantee of fulfilling our obligations. Close cooperation with Ukrainian farmers and accurately worked out concepts of market behavior lead to constantly growing numbers. below is a list of our products terms of delivery CIF FSA CFR Please be informed about niche crops available for sale green yellow peas chickpeas broad beans red white kidney beans flax seeds red green lentils oats yellow, white and red millet safflower vetch white red sorghum coriander seeds whole coriander seeds split wheat barley oat corn soybean



    The company "ECO FOOD TRADING" LLC (Ukraine, Odessa) is a manufacturer of high quality product "canned fish in assortment with the addition of oil / tomato", "canned seafood in oil / brine". (can of 240 grams, easy to open). LLC "ECO FOOD TRADING" is a companion of TM "BALKA" - these are high quality natural wines (dry red / white) produced from grapes grown in the south of the Odessa region, processed using modern methods of controlled fermentation and using consumables from leading European manufacturers. LLC "ECO FOOD TRADING" is the primary producer of "unrefined unfrozen sunflower oil of the 1st grade (crude)", produced at a modern plant, from raw materials that have passed a thorough laboratory control. LLC "ECO FOOD TRADING" is a partner of the plant for the production of "wheat flour", supplying raw materials for processing, grown on their own fields in the south of the Odessa region. For cooperation, please contact us: For cooperation, please contact: +380737127279 (only chat in WhatsApp) Best regards, the team of "ECO FOOD TRADING" LLC



    BVA Trading - компания, которая стремится представить широкий ассортимент украинской продукции на мировом рынке. Наш основной ассортимент продукции включает в себя сухие завтраки, продукты без глютена и кормовые смеси для птиц. Мы поддерживаем здоровый образ жизни в современных условиях, и наши зерновые и безглютеновые продукты подтверждают это. Все наши продукты соответствуют стандартам потребителей. Кроме того, мы предоставляем высококачественные кормовые смеси. Мы удовлетворили покупателей в Европе, Азии и Южной Африке. Мы открыты для всех и каждого и готовы сотрудничать с вами