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Результаты для

Time products



    ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» створено на базі Херсонського хлібокомбінату державного виробничо-торговельного підприємства «Херсонхліб» у 1997 році. У свій час «Херсонхліб» об'єднувало три виробничі цехи у м.Херсоні, засновані почергово, починаючи з 1953 року. Отже, виробництво хлібобулочних та кондитерських виробів здійснюється на потужностях ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» вже більше шести десятиліть. Протягом останніх років компанія впроваджує найкращі технології хлібопечення, які дозволяють поліпшити якість продукції та розширити асортимент. На сьогодні ПрАТ «Херсонський хлібокомбінат» складає групу компаній, що займаються виробництвом хлібобулочних, кондитерських та борошномельних продуктів. PJSC "Kherson Khlibokombinat" was founded on the basis of Kherson bread-baking complex of State Manufacturing and Trading Company "Kherson Khlib" in 1997. At one time "Kherson Khlib" united three production departments in the city of Kherson, that have been founded alternately since 1953. Consequently, the production of bakery and confectionery products is carried out at the facilities of PJSC "Kherson Khlibokombinat" for more than six decades. Over the past few years, the company has been introducing the best bakery technologies that improve product quality and product range. Today PJSC “Kherson Khlibokombinat” is a group of companies engaged in the production of bakery, confectionery and flour products.



    STILVEST, the company for the production of steel pipes. We produce thin-walled electric welded pipes: square, rectangular, round. There are pipes of different thickness of different geometry. STILVEST, the company for the production of steel pipes. We produce thin-walled electric welded pipes: square, rectangular, round. There are pipes of different thickness of different geometry. We use 8KP / PS steel. All products are made according to the guests. We are ready to make and deliver according to your individual specification a pipe from 5 centimeters to 10 meters long, standard length is 6 m. Pipes are made without an internal lattice! We are ready to consider the possibility of manufacturing other sizes not specified in the range, subject to a permanent order in the amount of 20 tons and above. "SteelWest" has been successfully operating in the markets of Ukraine, the CIS countries and the EU for 10 years. During this time, more than 120, 000 tons of high-quality thin-walled welded pipes of various sections have been produced. We consistently invest in production development and product quality. We also regularly expand our product range.Pipes are made according to GOSTS. Quality certificates according to EU standards. All products of the plant undergo strict quality control. Additionally, qualified personnel of the enterprise can carry out high-tech cutting of rolled products according to the customer's drawings, as well as prompt delivery by own transport.

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Результаты для

Time products

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